Welcome to my Weebly 

My Name is Danii and this is My weebly site.

i am also on Blogger - http://danii-bella.dance93.blogspot.com
and Google - http://www.google.com/profiles/daniibella93

i will be working through my experiences as a Part time university student in the SUN program as well as attending yr 11 at high school. 

Bit About My Weebly ...

On this Weebly you will find my life as a SUN student at university, my days as a yr 11 high school student, my Hobbies/ like / dislikes and a bit about me as a person .... 

SCHOOL / UNI over view ...

being at school i feel like i'm babied to much and like we aren't treated like adults but like children ... going through uni it isn't like that i am treated as an equal to all people there ... it doesn't mater that its a fact that i am one of the youngest two people in my class ... or that i am at school still ... it doesn't mater ... when i am at uni i am treated like an adult and i am mad eto act like one ... and i love it ... i am glad i am in University and experiencing what i can e=while i can!!!

HOBIES overview ...

I am a very active girl i love to dance ... i dance 5 times a week and i also teach dancing to younger students in the hope that they will grow up to be fabulous and in the hope that they can enjoy themselves while they dance ... 

i also horse ride once a week and love it .. its a break from the busyness of town and the freedom of the open bush ... i don't yet own a horse but borrow them while i ride ... i love to be in the open .. with nature just breathing it the fresh air and feeling the wind on my face ... the freedom is beautiful and i look forward to it every week ... i also love animals so spending time grooming and tacking the horses is great fun :) the bond between the horses i ride and me becomes stronger every time i ride and the ride becomes free

and to top off my week i sing ... i get lessons to learn to control my voice ... i'm not great at it but i enjoy it and love to sing for my family and friends when they need me to ...

well thats all for now ... ciao 

XxX DaniiBella XxX